Roofing insurance can be difficult to understand, especially when you’re running a business. There is a lot to consider, and unless you know exactly what to look for, you may end up purchasing too little or too much coverage. One area you should pay specific attention to is general liability coverage. Be sure you have the proper amount of coverage to ensure you’re protected in the event of an accident. If you’re not happy with your roofers’ liability coverage, there are ways you can lower it to put more money in your pocket while providing the right amount of coverage.


1. Proactive Education

Proactive education is one way you can ensure you lower your roofers’ insurance. When you have programs such as a safety education or other training program in place, it can reduce your insurance rates because you’ve essentially lowered your overall risk. If you can show your insurance company that you care about safety, it lowers your risk of workplace accidents and can really save you on your premiums.

2. Change Your Deductible

If you want to keep your coverage amount the same but want to see lower monthly premiums, one way you can do this is to change your overall deductible. If you choose to increase your policy’s deductible, then your monthly cost should decrease. The is a good option if your company has never had workplace accidents or other incidents that you’ve had to claim on your insurance. If you’re at a lower risk for accidents, then increasing your deductible shouldn’t be an issue.

3. Shop Around

Sometimes the best thing you can do to lower your roofers’ general liability insurance is to simply shop around. If you get quotes from multiple insurance carriers, you can compare them to see where to go to get the best deal. Some insurance carriers will match other quotes to get your business, so if you prefer to go with one over another, be sure to mention you’re shopping around to see if they’ll be willing to give you a deal. You could end up saving hundreds of dollars on your policy.

4. Bundle

Another way to lower your premium is to bundle your roofers’ insurance with other insurance types, such as health insurance. If you’re willing to purchase all your insurance policies through one company, it’ll be more willing to lower your monthly insurance premium on your general liability. This also helps decrease the number of bills that go out monthly and the number of vendors you have to worry about paying. By streamlining your system and choosing one insurance provider for all your insurance needs, you may save both time and money, which is a win-win for any busy business owner.

5. Invest in Employee Health

Healthy employees are less likely to have an accident while on the job. If you invest in employee wellness programs that promote a healthy lifestyle, you should see a decrease in your roofers’ liability coverage, which can help your monthly bottom line. Show your insurance company that you’re serious about not only a safe work environment but also healthy employees, to keep your monthly costs low. Programs such as smoking cessation, gym membership discounts, health coaches and exercise programs not only keep your employees happy, but they’ll keep you happy as well by decreasing your bottom line each month.

These simple tips can help you lower your monthly general liability premium without sacrificing overall coverage. This can give you peace of mind and the protection you and your employees need.