Are You Your Own Worst Boss?
tarting a business gives you the opportunity of running your own show. But many also assume it means the end of the 9-to-5 grind or no more uninspiring projects. Yet, this rosy picture doesn’t always reflect...
Insurance Policies for Contractors
he nature of a contractor’s work keeps him constantly in risk of litigation. For this reason, the number one ally of every contractor is a good insurance policy. There are different types of...
How To Raise Money for Expansion
s a small business owner you are always looking for ways to grow your business. Often capital is required to grow your business in the way that you want. There are many ways to raise money for projects or...
Leveraging Your Biggest Resource: Your Employees
veryone who runs a small business knows what their assets and resources are. They know every computer, copier, and company car on the asset sheet. They knew exactly how much room is left on their line of...
Telephone Answering Service – A Cutting Edge To Your Business
usinesses run with the sole objective of earning maximum profits. But if you look at that current scenario you’ll realize that for most businesses profit making is not the main concern anymore. Reputation and...
Understanding How To Win A Personal Injury Case
ersonal injury cases are a common occurrence in the legal system. If someone has been injured as a result of negligence from another party, they may be entitled to sums of money that will help them get...
How X-Mods Affect Your Bottom Line
f you don’t understand X-Mods you are not alone, but it is a critical part of your Workers Compensation insurance costs. Below we will try to break down X-Mods into simple terms but it does not cover every...
Preparing For Obamacare in 2013
ith Obamacare going into full effect at the first of 2014, the time for preparation and transition is now.The cornerstone of Obamacare is the requirement that every American have adequate health insurance and...
Control Your Experience Mod … Don’t Let It Control You
our Experience Mod Factor (X-Mod) can be the single most controlling factor in determining your Workers Compensation Costs. Depending on what your X-Mod is, you could either pay 50 percent less than your...
How to Live Within Your Means
ebt is becoming an all-too-common epidemic around the world. Just fifty years ago you would be hard-pressed to find anyone with any kind of interest-charging debt, but the rules have loosened and...