General Liability Insurance: 7 Things It Doesn’t Cover
eneral liability insurance is considered a foundational business insurance by many industry leaders because it protects companies from financial damages resulting from common lawsuits. Business operations...
Filing a Business Insurance Claim: Easier Than the Cubs Winning the World Series
n 2016, Cubs fans and non-fans alike were stunned to see the Cubs finally win the World Series. To win at baseball, there are a lot of wheels that need to turn just right. The roster has to be perfect and...
The Top 9 Small Business Podcasts
earn something new every week by listening to the best business podcasts. These shows range in length from 15 minutes up to several hours. Whether you play an entire episode while...
How General Liability Insurance Can Help Prevent Lawsuits
When you own your own business, you hope for easy relationships with employees, clients and everyone with whom you come into contact. If those relationships turn contentious for some reason, however, you will be glad your...
Why Business Insurance Is Scarier Than Dating Taylor Swift
here are as many layers to Taylor Swift’s dating history as there are to business insurance. At first glance, both might seem overwrought and complicated. Just as the public has misconceptions about Taylor...
What Insurance Does a Tree Service Company Need?
hether you're just starting to do business or renegotiating your current coverage, your arborist business requires tree service insurance that protects you, your employees, your equipment and, of course, your...
Is Workers Compensation Required in All States?
here are no federal regulations for workers' compensation. Instead, state workers' compensation law regulates individual states. When you look at each state individually, most do require some form of workers'...
What Does Small Business Insurance Cover?
ust as it’s vital to keep your home and car insured, small business insurance is important for the safety and security of your small business. If you aren’t aware of the importance of small business...
The 4 Must-Have Insurance Types for Any Security Company
s a security company, it’s your job to make sure that other businesses don’t need to call on their crime insurance coverage companies due to break-ins, vandalism and other issues that arise....
Does Your Business Need E&O Insurance?
unning a business comes with many benefits but also increases the liabilities and risks taken on by owners, employees and the business itself. An E&O insurance policy covers professional...