Running a small business can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Dealing with unexpected costs is far less exciting, however. Small Business Insurance can help you protect your new business and yourself from expenses associated with accidents, natural disasters,...
In a Hurry? Click to Call Our Office Whether you’re just starting to do business or renegotiating your current coverage, your arborist business requires tree service insurance that protects you, your employees, your equipment and, of course, your clients. If...
Running a business comes with many benefits but also increases the liabilities and risks taken on by owners, employees and the business itself. An E&O insurance policy covers professional liability in the event of a lawsuit. The financial burden of such a suit can...
If it’s been a while since you updated your employee manuals, or you don’t have a coherent policy regarding the use of social media, it’s time to get serious. Unfettered use of social media accounts by employees could expose the company to embarrassment, loss of...
When employers hire new workers, they typically want to gather some information about candidates to help them make educated hiring decisions. With a large number of companies offering convenient online background checks, the majority of employers have background...
Business owners know an injury to an employee or severe property damage destroys productivity; so all losses should be avoided or reduced. So why do insurance loss control representatives’ visits and the ensuing safety recommendations bother business owners so...