FREE Inland Marine Insurance Policy Quotes

Cheap Commercial Inland Marine Insurance for Contractors, Small Businesses & Companies

Who Needs Inland Marine Insurance?

If you’re a contractor, work in the construction industry or use any tools (including laptops) while working out on a Job, then you should look strongly at Inland Marine Insurance.

Inland Marine Coverages

From Construction Companies, Banks & Manufactures to General Contractors we have Inland Marine coverages such as

✔ Bailee’s Customer  

✔ Builder’s Risk

✔ Commercial Computer

✔ Contractor’s Equipment

✔ Exhibition and Fine Arts

✔ Installation Floater

✔ Motor Truck Cargo

✔ Transit

Contractor’s Equipment

Safeguards machinery and tools at job sites, your storage yard, and points in between.


Bailee’s Customer

Protects your clients’ property when left in your care.


Exhibition and Fine Arts

Keep items on display protected while on exhibition, in transit, and on loan.



Provides protection for your goods while they are in transit to another location.

Builder’s Risk

Protects structures and materials during new construction projects or renovations.


Commercial Computer

Provides protection for servers and computers, including laptops.


Installation Floater

Can cover the materials of your trade from the moment they are loaded onto the truck until they are accepted, put to use, or installed.


Motor Truck Cargo

Keeps your clients’ goods protected while you deliver them.

We Work With More Than 60 Insurance Carriers Including:
Have Any Questions or Need Advice? Talk to a licensed Agent Free of Charge.
We are a different kind of insurance agency. We help you find answers.


Monday – Friday 9am – 7pm Eastern

The Key to Affordable Inland Marine Insurance

We represent dozens of insurance companies with trustworthy brands you know. Our Licensed and accredited agents will guide you to an Inland Marine Insurance Policy that fits your needs. We will show you your local tailored options without bias. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the savings.

How Do We Provide the Best Inland Marine Insurance Prices?

It’s actually quite simple. Our agents are “Non-Captive” which means that, unlike other agents who can only offer policies form one company, we can get you quotes and policies from multiple carriers and multiple insurance companies. That is how we can vow to keep your best interest in mind!

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